#!/bin/bashshell_user="root"shell_domain="apache"shell_list="/root/ip_list"shell_row=`cat $shell_list |wc -l`function trans_text(){text=$1curl 'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=b4fcf5862088a1bc7f2bf66a' -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ #指定钉钉机器人hook地址 "msgtype": "text", "text": { "content": "'"$text"'" }, }'}function apache_check_80(){ ip=$1 URL="http://$ip/index.html" HTTP_CODE=`curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}" "${URL}"` if [ $HTTP_CODE != 200 ] then trans_text " ================================================================= \n $ip Apache 服务器状态异常,网页返回码: '"$HTTP_CODE"' 请及时处理 ! \n ================================================================= \n" fi}while truedoshell_list="/root/ip_list"shell_row=`cat $shell_list |wc -l` for temp in `seq 1 $shell_row` do Ip_Addr=`cat $shell_list |head -n $temp |tail -n 1` apache_check_80 $Ip_Addr done sleep 10done一台监控主机,一台被监控主机。被监控主机分区使用率大于80%,就发告警邮件。放到crontab里面,每10分钟执行一次。
#!/bin/bashFSMAX="80" remote_user='root' remote_ip=(IP地址列表) ip_num='0' while [ "$ip_num" -le "$(expr ${#remote_ip[@]} -l)"] do read_num='1' ssh "$remote_user"@"${remote_ip[$ip_num]}" df -h > /tmp/diskcheck_tmp grep '^/dev/*' /tmp/diskcheck_tmp | awk '{print $5}'|sed 's/\%//g' > /tmp/diskcheck_num_tmp while [ "$read_num" -le $(wc -l < /tmp/diskcheck_num_tmp) ] do size=$(sed -n "$read_num" 'p' /tmp/diskcheck_num_tmp) if [ "size" -gt "$FSMAX" ] then $(grep '^/dev/*' /tmp/diskcheck_tmp |sed -n $read_num'p' > /tmp/disk_check_mail) $(echo ${remote_ip[$ip_num]}) >> /tmp/disk_check_mail) $(mail -s "diskcheck_alert" admin < /tmp/disk_check_mail) fi read_num=$(expr $read_num + 1) done ip_num=$(expr $ip_num + 1)done监控主机的磁盘空间,当使用空间超过90%就通过发mail来发警告
#!/bin/bash #monitor available disk space #提取本服务器的IP地址信息 IP=`ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | cut -f 2 -d ":" | cut -f 1 -d " "` SPACE=` df -hP | awk '{print int($5)}'` if [ $SPACE -ge 90 ] then echo "$IP 服务器 磁盘空间 使用率已经超过90%,请及时处理。"|mail -s "$IP 服务器硬盘告警" fty89@163.com fi实现FTP自动上传
#! /bin/bashftp -n << END_FTP open user test testing //用户名test 密码:testing binary prompt off //关闭提示 mput files //上传files文件 close bye END_FTPmysqlbak.sh备份数据库目录脚本
#!/bin/bashDAY=`date +%Y%m%d`SIZE=`du -sh /var/lib/mysql`echo "Date: $DAY" >> /tmp/dbinfo.txtecho "Data Size: $SIZE" >> /tmp/dbinfo.txtcd /opt/dbbak &> /dev/null || mkdir /opt/dbbaktar zcf /opt/dbbak/mysqlbak-${DAY}.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql /tmp/dbinfo.txt &> /dev/nullrm -f /tmp/dbinfo.txtcrontab-e55 23 */3 * * /opt/dbbak/dbbak.sh打印彩虹
declare -a aryfor i in `seq 40 49`do ary[$i]=" " echo -en "\e[$i;5m ${ary[@]}\e[;0m" donedeclare -a aryfor s in `seq 1 10000`do for i in `seq 40 49` do ary[$i]=" " echo -en "\e[$i;5m ${ary[@]}\e[;0m" donedone打印菱形
#!/bin/bashfor (( i = 1; i < 12; i++))do if [[ $i -le 6 ]] then for ((j = $((12-i)); j > i; j--)) do echo -n " " done for ((m = 1; m <= $((2*i-1)); m++)) do echo -n "* " done echo ""#***************************************************************************** elif [[ $i -gt 6 ]] then n=$((12-i)) for ((j = $((12-n)); j > n; j--)) do echo -n " " done for ((m = 1; m <= $((2*n-1)); m++)) do echo -n "* " done echo "" fidoneexpect实现远程登陆自动交互
#!/usr/bin/expect -fset ipaddress [lindex $argv 0]set passwd [lindex $argv 1]set timeout 30spawn ssh-copy-id root@$ipaddressexpect {"yes/no" { send "yes\r";exp_continue }"password:" { send "$passwd\r" }}#expect "*from*"#send "mkdir -p ./tmp/testfile\r"#send "exit\r"#expect "#" #i# 命令运行完, 你要期待一个结果, 结果就是返回shell提示符了(是# 或者$)http心跳检测
URL=""THHP_CODE=`curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}" "${URL}"`if [ $HTTP_CODE != 200 ]then echo -e "apache code:"$HTTP_CODE""fiPV过量自动实现防火墙封IP
#!/bin/bashlog=/tmp/tmp.log[ -f $log ] || touch $logfunction add_iptales(){ while read line do ip=`echo $line |awk '{print $2}'` count=`echo $line |awk '{print $1}'` if [ $count -gt 100 ] && [ `iptables -L -n |grep "$ip" |wc -l` -lt 1 ] then iptables -I INPUT -s $ip -j DROP echo -e "$list isdropped">>/tmp/droplist.log fi done<$log}function main(){ while true do netstat -an|grep "EST" |awk -F '[:]+' '{print $6}'|sort |uniq -c >$log add_iptales sleep 180 done}mainshell实现自动安装
#!/bin/bashfunction MyInstall{ if ! rpm -qa |grep -q "^$1" then yum install $1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo -e "$i install is ok\n" else echo -e "$1 install no\n" fi else echo -e "yi an zhuang ! \n" fi}for ins in mysql php httpddo MyInstall $insdoneshell实现插入排序
#!/bin/bashdeclare -a arrayfor i in `seq 1 10`do array[$i]=$RANDOMdoneecho -e "Array_1: ${array[@]}"for (( x=1;x<=9;x++ ))do for(( y=1;y<=9;y++ )) do if [ ${array[$y]} -gt ${array[$y+1]} ] then temp=${array[$y]} array[$y]=${array[$y+1]} array[$y+1]=$temp fi donedoneecho -e "Array_2: ${array[@]}"bash实现动态进度条
#!/bin/bashi=0bar=''index=0arr=( "|" "/" "-" "\\" )while [ $i -le 100 ]do let index=index%4 printf "[%-100s][%d%%][\e[43;46;1m%c\e[0m]\r" "$bar" "$i" "${arr[$index]}" let i++ let index++ usleep 30000 bar+='#' cleardoneprintf "\n"根据文件内容创建账号
#!/bin/bashfor Uname in `cat /root/useradd.txt |gawk '{print $1}'`do id $Uname &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo -e "这个账号已存在!" continue fi for Upasswd in `cat /root/useradd.txt |gawk '{print $2}'` do useradd $Uname &> /dev/null echo "$Upasswd" |passwd --stdin $Uname &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo -e "账号创建成功!" else echo -e "创建失败!" fi donedone实现红色进度条
#!/bin/bashdeclare -a aryfor i in `seq 0 20`do ary[$i]=" " echo -en "\e[41;5m ${ary[@]}\e[;0m" sleep 1 done监控服务器网卡流量
#!/bin/bashwhile : ; dospeedtime='date +%m"-"%d" "%k":"%M'speedday='date +%m"-"%d'speedrx_before='ifconfig eth0|sed -n "8"p|awk '{print $2}'|cut -c7-'speedtx_before='ifconfig eth0|sed -n "8"p|awk '{print $6}'|cut -c7-'sleep 2speedrx_after='ifconfig eth0|sed -n "8"p|awk '{print $2}'|cut -c7-'speedtx_after='ifconfig eth0|sed -n "8"p|awk '{print $6}'|cut -c7-'speedrx_result=$[(speedrx_after-speedrx_before)/256]speedtx_result=$[(speedtx_after-speedtx_before)/256]echo"$speedday$speedtime Now_In_Speed: "$speedrx_result"kbps Now_OUt_Speed: "$speedtx_result"kbps"sleep 2done检测CPU剩余百分比
#!/bin/bash#Inspect CPU#Sun Jul 31 17:25:41 CST 2016PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/wl/binexport PATHTERM=linuxexport TERMCpuResult=$(top -bn 1 | grep "Cpu" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/\..*$//g')if [[ $CpuResult < 20 ]];then echo "CPU WARNING : $CpuResult" > /service/script/.cpu_in.txt top -bn 1 >> /service/script./cpu_in.txt mail -s "Inspcet CPU" wl < /service/script/.cpu_in.txtfi检测磁盘剩余空间
#!/bin/bash#Insepct Harddisk , If the remaining space is more than 80%, the message is sent to the wl#Tue Aug 2 09:45:56 CST 2016PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/wl/binexport PATHfor RemainingSpace in $(df -h | awk '{print $5}' | grep -v 'Use' | sed -e 's/[%]//g')do if [[ $RemainingSpace > 80 ]];then echo -e "$RemainingSpace" echo -e "$(df -h | grep $RemainingSpace)" > /service/script/.HarddiskWarning mail -s "disk Warning" wl < /service/script/.HarddiskWarning fidonebash-实现检测apache状态并钉钉报警
#!/bin/bashfunction trans_text(){ text=$1curl 'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=b4fcf5862088a1bc7f2bf66aea051869e62ff5879fa0e0fddb0db9b1494781c2' -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ "msgtype": "text", "text": { "content": "'"$text"'" }, }'}function desk_check(){ dftype=$1 shell_row=`df |wc -l`for i in `seq 2 $shell_row`do temp=(`df -h |head -n $i |tail -n 1 |awk '{print $5 "\t" $6}'`) disk="`echo ${temp[0]} |cut -d "%" -f 1`" name="${temp[1]}" hostname=`hostname` IP=`ifconfig |grep -v "" |grep "inet addr:" |sed 's/^.*inet addr://g'|sed 's/ Bcas..*$//g'` #echo -e "$disk $name" Dat=`date "+%F %T"` if [ $disk -ge $dftype ] then echo " ======================== \n >磁盘分区异常< \n 主机名: $hostname \n IP地址: $IP \n 分区名: $name \n 使用率: $disk %\n 发生时间: $Dat \n ========================= \n" fidone}function apache_check(){ url=$1URL="http://$url/"HTTP_CODE=`curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}" "${URL}"`if [ $HTTP_CODE != 200 ] then echo " ======================== \n >Apache服务异常< 主机名: $hostname \n IP地址: $IP \n 返回代码: $HTTP_CODE \n 发生时间: $Dat \n ========================= \n" fi}while truedo desk_check 10 apache_check sleep 10donebash实现内存检测
#!/bin/bash#Inspect Memory : If the memory is less than 500 , then send mail to wlPATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/wl/binexport PATHMEM=$(free -m | grep "Mem" | awk '{print $4}')if [[ MEM < 500 ]];then echo -e "Memory Warning : Memory free $MEM" > /service/script/.MemoryWarning mail -s "Memory Warning" wl < /service/script/.MemoryWarningfi剩余inode检测
#!/bin/bash#Inspcet Inode : If the free INODE is less than 200, the message is sent to the wlPATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/wl/binexport PATHfor FreeInode in $(df -i | grep -v "Filesystem" | awk '{print $4}')do if [[ $FreeInode < 200 ]];then echo -e "$(df -i | grep "$FreeInode")" > /service/script/.FreeInode mail -s "FreeInode Warning" wl < /service/script/.FreeInode fidone判断哪些用户登陆了系统
#!/bin/bashdeclare -i count=0while true;do if who |grep -q -E "^wang" then echo -e "用户wang 登陆了系统\n 这是第$count 次!" break else let count++ fi sleep 3done~ 示例:找出UID为偶数的所有用户,显示其用户名和ID号;#!/bin/bashwhile read line; do userid=$(echo $line | cut -d: -f3) if [ $[$userid%2] -eq 0 ]; thenecho $line | cut -d: -f1,3 fidone < /etc/passwd批量创建账号
#!/bin/bashsum=1while [ $sum -le 30 ]do if [ $sum -le 9 ] then user="user_0$sum" else user="user_$sum" fi useradd $user echo "123456" |passwd --stdin $user chage -d 0 $user let sum=sum+1done批量扫面存活
#!/bin/bash#By:lyshark#nmap>ipMAC=`cat ip |awk '$1 == "MAC" && $NF == "(VMware)"{print $3}'`for i in `seq 1 20`dotemp=`echo ${MAC[@]} |awk '{print $i}'`IP=`cat /ip |grep -B5 $temp |grep "Nmap scan"|awk '{print $5}'` echo $IP |awk '{print $1}'done正则匹配IP
^[0-9]{0,2}|^1[0-9]{0,2}|^2[0-5]{0,2} egrep "(^[0-9]{1,2}|^1[0-9]{0,2}|^2[0-5]{0,2})\.([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{0,2}|2[0-5]{0,2})\.([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{0,2}|2[0-5]{0,2})\.([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{0,2}|2[0-5]{0,2})$"([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{0,2}|2[0-5]{0,2})([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{0,2}|2[0-5]{0,2})([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{0,2}|2[0-5]{0,2})([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{0,2}|2[0-5]{0,2})egrep "((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|((1[0-9]{2})|([1-9]?[0-9])))\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|((1[0-9]{2})|([1-9]?[0-9])))"ls |egrep "((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|((1[0-9]{2})|([1-9]?[0-9])))\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|((1[0-9]{2})|([1-9]?[0-9])$))"正则匹配邮箱
egrep "^[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,16}[0-9a-zA-Z]\@[0-9a-zA-Z-]*([0-9a-zA-Z])?\.(com|com.cn|net|org|cn)$" ruils |egrep "^(([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-4])$"实现布片效果
#!/bin/bashfunction ary_go{ $1 $2 for (( i=0;i<=$1;i++ )) do for (( s=0;s<=$2;s++ )) do if [ $[$i%2] == 0 ] then if [ $[$s%2] == 0 ] then echo -en " " else echo -en "\e[;44m \e[;m" fi else if [ $[$s%2] == 0 ] then echo -en "\e[;42m \e[;m" else echo -en " " fi fi done echo done}ary_go 25 50剔除白名单以外的用户
#!/bin/bashw | awk 'NR>=3 {printf $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\n"}' > /tmp/who.txtfor i in $(awk '{printf $1}' /tmp/bai.txt)do k=$(egrep -v "$i" /tmp/who.txt | awk '{printf $2} "\n"' | awk '{printf $2 "\n"}') for j in $k do pkill -9 -t "$j" donedone